Participants: Please Record Your Talk

Posted on Thu, Jun 21 2012 13:10:00

"I think it's really useful to share our work, our thoughts," says Maurizio Parton of the Università di Chieti-Pescara in Italy, referring to the use of BIRS' new Automated Recording System. "Please don't be shy, and use it."

Download video: Parton.mp4 (34MB)

Thank you, Maurizio, for the endorsement, and we agree that sharing ideas is a useful and worthwhile endeavor.

If you are interested in details about the automated recording system, there is an overview here:

You can watch Maurizio's full lecture here. An index of past recordings is available here.

Video Footage From Alberta, Location of BIRS

Posted on Mon, Jan 30 2012 15:56:00

This video by Travel Alberta contains much footage from the Rocky Mountains in Alberta, where BIRS is located.

Cougar Warning - Sulphur Mountain Area

Posted on Wed, Oct 26 2011 16:46:00

-------November 3, 2011 Warning lifted -------

Cougar warning notice

Warning Area

Brenda Williams Finishes Western States 100 Mile Run

Posted on Wed, Jun 29 2011 16:44:00

BIRS' own Brenda Williams finished the Western States Endurance Run in California last weekend. She finished the gruelling 100 mile race in 26 hours and 11 minutes!

Wildlife Notice - Two Tunnel Mountain Cougars Radio Collared

Posted on Tue, Jun 28 2011 10:47:00

A notice from Parks Canada:
On Sunday, June 26, Parks Canada Resource Conservation staff captured two, sub-adult cougars and fitted them with radio-collars and ear tags. The cougars were released back into their home range.
Why It's Important:
Over the weekend of June 25-26, 2011, the cougars were observed several times in the Tunnel Mountain Area on the edge of town. While the animals did not display any aggressive behaviour, they did show high levels of curiosity and indifference toward humans.  Resource Conservation staff are monitoring the cougars' behaviour and may use aversive conditioning to teach them to keep a safe distance from humans.
Please Be Advised:
We often have bears, cougars and wolves near the townsite, and on occasion they may even pass through our neighbourhoods.  This is considered normal in and around the town of Banff.  As elk calving season continues, carnivores like cougars, wolves and bears may be attracted to this seasonal food source; increasing the possibility of a wildlife encounter. While direct conflict between cougars and humans is very rare, extra caution is advised when travelling in the periphery of town, particularly during dawn and dusk.
We encourage residents to report any bear, wolf, or cougar activity to the Banff Park Dispatch 24 hrs at 403-762-1470.
To learn  more about safety tips around cougars and other carnivores, please visit our website:
To view the current Cougar Warning for the Tunnel Mounatin area:
For More Information:

Contact Stephenie Zyvatkauskas
Public Outreach Education Officer | Agente, diffusion externe et éducation du public
Banff National Park | Parc national Banff Parks Canada | Parcs Canada
[email protected]

Telephone | Téléphone 403-762-1431
Facsimile | Télécopieur 403-762-3240

Friday, July 8, 2011

A notice from Parks Canada:

Please be aware that the Tunnel Mountain area cougar warning has been lifted as of this afternoon.

Park visitors and guests are encouraged to continue to exercise normal wildlife safety precautions while t ravelling in all areas of Banff National Park, and to report all carnivore sightings to Parks Canada Banff Dispatch at 403-762-1470.

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