Participant Testimonials

Jan 08 - Jan 13, 2012

The participants, and the organisers in particular, have really appreciated the BIRS experience. The organizational help we received and the facilities and location were all outstanding, and allowed us to concentrate on the meeting goals and scientific discussions. We are currently in the process of gathering all the material of the discussions/talks into the basis of our report which we look forward to sending to you in due course. Please pass on our sincere thanks to the BIRS team.

Lloyd Hollenberg University of Melbourne

We really enjoyed organising the workshop with BIRS. The organisational help we received was outstanding and made it easy to setup the workshop. The facilities at BIRS are excellent, very well suited for such a workshop. So overall we were able to concentrate on the science instead of lots of administrative issues. I believe the workshop brought together scientists working on different approaches towards quantum devices, which triggered quite a few new directions to explore. We are currently in the process of compiling the report describing the overall results in far more detail.

Frank Langbein School of Computer Science and Informatics, Cardiff University