Participant Testimonials

Sep 09 - Sep 14, 2012

My participation in the BIRS workshop was a significant event on my current research. Talks and private discussions led me to some informal insights and techniques that are often hidden in the formalities of papers. I look forward to launching a research project related to the meeting and following up on fantastic discussions that occurred at the workshop. I am hopeful that these will grow into new collaborations, which are so important to a young mathematician, such as myself.

Timur Akhunov Mathematics, University of Calgary

The workshop was excellent and it did provide me with opportunities for making new contacts, learning about new ideas, and meeting several mathematicians who I have not met before. There were many opportunities for discussing mathematics. The lectures were great and the informal discussions were extremely valuable. The organization was flawless and the atmosphere of the centre is fantastic.

Vladimir Sverak Mathematics, University of Minnesota

The workshop encompassed several topics which were either in my area of current interest or near my extended interests. It was a very good combination, and I had the opportunity to meet both collaborators and researchers I had not met before. We will see if the job prospects of my students/postdocs were affected, but they did get the opportunity to present their work.

Daniel Tataru Professor
Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley

This workshop and the nice scientific atmosphere in BIRS allowed me, with my collaborators Professors S. Ibrahim and K. Nakanishi, to complete the final steps in proving the finite time blowup for the inviscid primitive equations for the large scale oceanic and atmospheric dynamics. This is a nice breakthrough result, and we will certainly acknowledge our visit to BIRS in our paper.

Edriss Titi Professor
Mathematics, University of California and The Weizmann Institute of Science

In the workshop, I listened to several reports I am familiar with and learned some new results and fresh insight; and all of them are useful for my study and research in the future. I also met a lot of outstanding mathematicians in this workshop. I get more confidence from chatting with them.

Shuxia Wang Peking University