Participant Testimonials

Oct 17 - Oct 22, 2021

This was a wonderful workshop! First of all, I liked the quality of the talks, almost all of them were directly related to my research. I think that the "spirit" of the talks gave a fresh insight into both fields, Convexity and PDE, and raised many open questions. One of my graduate students, Devin Grady, was listening to some talks and now we are trying our hands on some of the problems. Second, in my opinion, the workshop "unified" several directions in convexity and PDE that are "far from each other". The questions on the Monge-Amper equations and the valuation theory, the pure convexity problems together with the ones from spherical and hyperbolic geometry and etc, were brought together. I am sure that the talks and problems of the workshop widened the horizons of young researchers and many collaborations will start to emerge very soon.

Dmitry Ryabogin Professor
Matematical Sciences, Kent State University

This BIRS workshop was combining the areas of Partial Differential Equations and Convex Geometry. My research area is on Convex Geometry and Probability. It was therefore extremely interesting to me to learn more about the topic of Differential Equations and how they can be used successfully in Convex Geometry. I see potential applications already for specific problems in my area, and also for possible problems for my students to work on.

Elisabeth Werner Case Western Reserve University

The BIRS workshop “Interaction Between Partial Differential Equations and Convex Geometry (Online)” is a highly appreciated conference. All of the talks are very interesting and important to me. I obtained many useful information for my future research. I sincerely thank the organizers: Dmitry Ryabogin, Elisabeth Werner, Deping Ye, and Ning Zhang, for all their hard work on this nice workshop. Thank you very much for your kind support on this conference.

Baocheng Zhu Shaanxi Normal University