Slides of lectures/Scanned notes
- Victor Rotger's slides: "Iterated integrals, diagonal cycles and rational points on elliptic curves"
- Henri Darmon's slides: "Diagonal cycles and Euler system for real quadratic fields"
- Matt's notes from Chung-Pang Mok's lecture*: "Introduction to the Gan-Gross-Prasad conjecture"
- Wei Zhang's slides: "The global Gan-Gross-Prasad conjecture for unitary groups"
- Matt's notes from Pierre Colmez's lecture*: "On the method of Shintani"
- Denis Benois' lecture notes: "Trivial zeros of p-adic L-functions at near central points"
- Eyal Goren's lecture notes: "Cycles on modular varieties in positive characteristic"
- Francois Brunault's slides: "Explicit p-adic regulators on K2 of modular curves"
- Matt's notes from Massimo Bertolini's lecture*: "A p-adic Beilinson formula and arithmetic applications"
- Mateo Longo's slides: "Quaternionic Darmon points and arithmetic applications"
* Matt apologizes to the lecturers for his (surely numerous) mistranscriptions.