Participant Testimonials

Dec 05 - Dec 10, 2021

I am very grateful that BIRS gives us the opportunity to have collaborations with other women via the Women in X Workshops. I think our colleagues recognise the success of the first WOA workshop, and this is helping to change the culture in Operator Algebra.

Astrid an Huef Mathematics and Statistics, Victoria University of Wellington

To me, this was the best format for a workshop I have ever attended. I have been able to make new contacts. I met with many people who I would not have made contact with if it was not for this workshop. I started working on a new project which helped me learn a new research direction. The new insights were a great takeaway for me. My group members also helped me learn faster. The group leader, in particular, was very generous and we made plans for future meet up and further research.

Anshu Anshu School of Mathematical Sciences, National Institute of Science Education and Research

WOA II was my first experience of attending a workshop which was mainly designed for collaboration. Unfortunately, I did not have the chance to attend the workshop in person. Despite attending over Zoom, I had a great experience. The workshop is planned thoughtfully, and allows time for team members to prepare the necessary background for the projects. As a result of this experience, I became familiar with a beautiful area of analysis, got to know and work with 4 excellent mathematicians, with whom I hope to continue collaboration. I enjoyed immersing in math discussions over that week very much, and I found this workshop the most productive and inspiring mathematical event that I have attended in my career so far. I was so impressed with this amazing experience, that I plan to organize similar workshops if I can find the necessary funding.

Mahya Ghandehari Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Delaware

The BIRS workshop WOA II was a very good experience for me. It led to new contacts with researchers from a field close to, but not exactly my area of research. We started a collaboration on a research project.

Elisabeth Werner Case Western Reserve University