Publishing Slides to Your Workshop Webpage

Online Meetings

Please e-mail your slides to [email protected] to request that they be posted to your workshop's web page. Please include the workshop code, e.g. 20w5197 in the subject line of the email. Also, please name the file so that your last name is part of the file name. e.g. Smith-slides.pdf.

BIRS staff will upload the file to the workshop webpage, and it will appear under the "Workshop Files" link in the side-bar. If you record a video during the workshop, and you have your last name in the file name, a link to the file will also appear underneath your video.

Physical Meetings

Participants in Banff can contribute their PDF, PowerPoint, or other types of files to their BIRS workshop web page, using the laptop computer on the table in the main lecture room, TCPL 201. On the computer, there is an icon on the desktop named "workshop-webpage", pictured to the right. This is a network file system that is directly connected to the web server, for the current week's 5-day workshop. Simply drag & drop your files onto that icon, and the files will appear on the workshop webpage, under a link named "Workshop Files".

You should name your file appropriately — your last name, for example — so that people who are looking for your file can identify it easily.