Current Members of the Scientific Advisory Board

Louigi Addario-Berry (McGill University) - Probability, Combinatorics, Mathematical Statistics, Theoretical Computer Science, Statistical Physics
Ana Aguilera (University of Granada) - Modelling and forecasting with functional data, Categorical data analysis, Statistical applications in different fields
Javier Arsuaga (University of California,Davis) - Computational methods, 3D structure of genomes, statistical mechanics of polymers, continuum mechanics of liquid crystals, knot theory, topological data analysis, machine learning, Molecular and Cellular Biology.
David Ayala (Montana State University) - Algebraic and Differential Geometry and Topology
Agnes Beaudry (University of Colorado Boulder)
Yuri Berest (Cornell University) - Representation Theory and Geometry
Derek Bingham (Simon Fraser University) - Statistics
Steven Boyer (UQAM) - Fundamental Mathematics & Topology of varieties.
José A. Cañizo (Universidad de Granada) - Partial Differential Equations
Jose A. Carrillo (University of Oxford) - Partial Differential Equations
Lauren Childs (Virginia Tech) - Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Modeling, Dynamical Systems
Peter Dukes (University of Victoria) - Algebraic and Computational Methods in Combinatorics
Henry Fowler (Navajo Technical University) - Math Literacy and Advocating for Social Justice through Mathematics
Nassif Ghoussoub (University of British Columbia) - Non-linear Analysis, Partial Differential Equations
Antonella Grassi (Universita di Bologna) - Algebraic Geometry and Applications to the Physics of String Theory
Michael Hrusak (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) - Set theory, Set-theoretic topology, Boolean Algebras
Chris Kapulkin (University of Western Ontario) - Homotopy Theory, (Higher) Category Theory, Homotopy Type Theory, Combinatorics, Formalization of Mathematics, Cryptography
Shakil M. Khan (University of Regina) - Artificial Intelligence, in particular Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, and Cognitive Robotics
Jian-shu Li (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) - Representation theory and Automorphic forms
Vlada Limic (Université de Strasbourg) - Probability and Stochastic Processes
Alexander Litvak (University of Alberta) - Asymptotic Geometric Analysis, Functional Analysis, Convex Geometry, Discrete Geometry, Random Matrix Theory.
Yifeng Liu (Zhejiang University) - Algebraic Number Theory, Algebraic Geometry, Automorphic Forms
Richard Lockhart (Simon Fraser University) - I have worked a fair amount in the area of goodness-of-fit but have some experience in applications in the physical sciences, high dimensional inference, inference after model selection, probabilistic proofs in number theory, functional data analysis, copulas, inference for stochastic processes, and a variety of other things.
Jianfeng Lu (Duke University) - Applied Mathematics, Machine Learning
Anotida Madzwamuse (University of British Columbia) - Theoretical and Computational Biology, and Numerical Analysis
Karen Meagher (University of Regina)
Saman Muthukumarana (University of Manitoba) - Bayesian Methods, Biostatistics Data Science, Environmental and Ecological Statistics, Computational Statistics, Statistics in Sports
Luis Núñez-Betancourt (CIMAT) - Commutative albera and algebraic geometry
Janos Pach (Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics)
Sandra Palau (IIMAS, UNAM) - Probability, Stochastic Process, Branching Processes and Population Genetics.
Jennifer Park (Ohio State University) - Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry
Joaquín Pérez (University of Granada) - Geometric analysis, with special emphasis in variational problems of geometric type: minimal and constant mean curvature surfaces, isoperimetric problem, and others(Topology, classification, group theory, combinatorics, real and complex analysis, Mathematical Analysis and Functional Analysis)
Malabika Pramanik (UBC) - Harmonic Analysis
Ajay Ramadoss (Indiana University) - Problems related to noncommutative geometry and its relation with other fields such as differential geometry; algebraic geometry; representation theory
Jacqui Ramagge (University of South Australia) - Group Theory, Functional Analysis, Operator Algebras, Control Theory, and Statistical Analyses of Learning Outcomes
Talia Ringer (UIUC) - Proof engineering, proof automation, proof assistants, dependent type theory, programming languages, AI for theorem proving
Yongbin Ruan (Zhejiang University) - Geometry and Topology.
Alberto Saldaña (UNAM - Mexico) - Analysis of partial differential equations. In particular, Non-local operators such as the fractional Laplacian, Non-linear elliptic equations, Variational methods, Scientific computing.
Miguel Sanchez Caja (Universidad de Granada) - Differential Geometry, Variational methods, Mathematical Physics, Lorentzian Geometry
Barry Sanders (University of Calgary) - Quantum Algorithms and Implementations of Quantum Information Tasks
Samir Siksek (University of Warwick) - Computational Number Theory and Diophantine Equations
Ronnie Sircar (Princeton University) - Financial Mathematics, stochastic volatility models, energy markets and exhaustible resources, credit risk, asymptotic and computational methods, portfolio optimization and stochastic control problems, and stochastic differential games
Frank Sottile (Texas A&M University) - Algebraic Combinatorics and the Applications of Algebraic Geometry
Song Sun (UC Berkeley, IASM) - Differential Geometry, Complex Geometry, Geometric Analysis
Gabriella Tarantello (Roma Tor Vergata) - Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Differential Geometry, Mathematical Physics Calculus of Variations and Gauge Field Theory
Aaron Tikuisis (University of Ottawa) - Structure of C*-algebras
Paul Tupper (Simon Fraser University) - Mathematical Modelling in Linguistics and Psychology
Juncheng Wei (University of British Columbia) - Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Applied, Nonlinear and Geometric Analysis, Mathematical Biology
Shou-Wu Zhang (Princeton University) - Number Theory & Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry.

Bio sketches

Louigi Addario-Berry (McGill University)

Louigi Addario-Berry received his Ph.D. from McGill University in 2006 under the supervision of Bruce Reed. He was Marie Curie Fellow at University of Oxford and Professeur Adjoint at Université de Montréal, before joining the faculty at McGill University in 2009. His principle research area is probability theory and its connections with combinatorics, statistics, statistical mechanics and theoretical computer science. In 2016 he was awarded the Coxeter-James Prize of the Canadian Mathematical Society, and in 2019 he was elected Fellow of the Canadian Mathematical Society. In 2020 he was elected Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, cited for "fundamental contributions to probability, in particular to the topics of branching structures and random graphs, and for his devoted service to the mathematical sciences and promotion of diversity within them."


Ana Aguilera (University of Granada)


Javier Arsuaga (University of California,Davis)

Javier Arsuaga is Professor of Mathematics and of Molecular and Cellular Biology at the University of California (UC), Davis. His research focuses on the development of mathematical and computational methods to address questions that arise in the study of the 3D structure of genomes. Mathematical approaches used to study the 3D structure of genomes include statistical mechanics of polymers, continuum mechanics of liquid crystals, knot theory, topological data analysis and machine learning. Javier received his PhD in Mathematics from Florida State in 2000, where he was a fellow of the Burroughs Wellcome Fund through the Program in Mathematics and Molecular Biology. From 2000 to 2005, he was postdoctoral fellow in Mathematics and in Molecular and Cellular Biology at UC Berkeley and at the UC San Francisco Cancer Center. From 2005 to 2014 he was assistant and associate professor at San Francisco State University. He has been professor at UC Davis since 2014 and chair of the Graduate Group in Applied Mathematics (GGAM) from 2022-2025. His research has been supported by the National Science Foundation or the National Institutes of Health since 2006. He has been visiting scholar at University of Oxford, Universidad de Salamanca, Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications (IMA) at the University of Minnesota, and Stanford University.


David Ayala (Montana State University)


Agnes Beaudry (University of Colorado Boulder)


Yuri Berest (Cornell University)

Yuri Berest obtained his B.Sc. (1993) and M.Sc. in Mathematical Physics (1994) from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, and his Ph.D. in Mathematics (1997) from the Université de Montréal. After spending two years as a Ch. B. Morrey assistant professor at the University of California in Berkeley, he moved to Cornell University, where he is currently full professor at the Department of Mathematics. He held long-term visiting professorships at IHES (France), Oxford University (All Souls College), MSRI (Berkeley) and ETH (Zurich). He was awarded the CMS Doctoral Prize (1998), Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship (2001-2003) and Simons Fellowship in Mathematics (2019). His research interests include representation theory, algebraic geometry, homological algebra, and mathematical physics. Some of his recent work is related to derived algebraic geometry, and applications of homotopy-theoretic methods in representation theory and geometry.


Derek Bingham (Simon Fraser University)

Derek Bingham is a Professor of Statistics and Actuarial Science at Simon Fraser University. He completed his PhD in Statistics in 1999 with Randy Sitter at SFU on the design and analysis of fractional factorial split-plot experiments. After graduating, he moved to the Department of Statistics at the University of Michigan as an Assistant Professor. In 2003, he joined the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science at Simon Fraser as the Canada Research Chair in Industrial Statistics.

The focus of his current research is developing statistical methods for combining physical observations with large-scale computer simulators. This includes new methodology for Bayesian computer model calibration, emulation, uncertainty quantification and experimental design. His work is generally motivated by real-world applications. His recent collaborations have been with scientists at USA national laboratories (Argonne National Lab and Los Alamos National Lab) and also USA Department of Energy sponsored projects (Center for Radiative Shock Hydrodynamics; Center for Exascale Radiation Transport).


Steven Boyer (UQAM)

Steven Boyer is a Professor of Mathematics at the Université du Québec à Montréal. His undergraduate studies were at the University of New Brunswick and graduate work at Cornell University, where he obtained a Ph. D. in Mathematics in 1983. After two years as an NSERC postdoctoral fellow at the University of Cambridge, he worked in the Mathematics Department of the University of Toronto before moving to UQAM in 1987. He has held visiting positions in Dijon, Geneva, Grenoble, Marseille, Rennes, Toulouse, the Institut Henri PoincaréŽ, and the Isaac Newton Institute, and has served on the editorial boards of the Canadian Journal of Mathematics, the Canadian Mathematics Bulletin, the Annales Mathématiques Blaise Pascal. Currently he is a member of the editorial boards of Algebraic and Geometric Topology and the Annales des sciences mathématiques du Québec. He is also the director of CIRGET, the Centre Interuniversitaire de Recherches en Géométrie et Topologie. His research area is the topology and geometry of low-dimensional manifolds.


José A. Cañizo (Universidad de Granada)


Jose A. Carrillo (University of Oxford)


Lauren Childs (Virginia Tech)

Lauren M. Childs is an Associate Professor of Mathematics at Virginia Tech, the Associate Director of the Virginia Tech Center for the Mathematics of Biosystems, and the Cliff and Agnes Lilly Faculty Fellow of the College of Science at Virginia Tech. Her research program involves the development, analysis, and simulation of mathematical and computational models to examine biologically-motivated questions. Her work includes modeling with diverse quantitative techniques for a wide variety of applications in epidemiology, immunology, and ecology and has been supported by the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, the Simons Foundation, and the Jeffress Trust.

She received her BS in Mathematics and Chemistry from Duke University followed by her MA and PhD in Applied Mathematics from Cornell University. She was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Georgia Tech joint between the School of Biology and the School of Mathematics. Following her time at Georgia Tech, she was a MIDAS Postdoctoral Fellow and Research Scientist in the Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. She was a visiting scholar in the Cornell Math Department in Fall 2023 as the AWM Ruth I. Michler Memorial Award winner and a visiting scholar in the Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health in Spring 2024.


Peter Dukes (University of Victoria)

Peter Dukes is a professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Victoria. He obtained his PhD in 2003 from the California Institute of Technology, and then joined UVic after postdocs at Arizona State University and the University of Toronto. Peter's mathematical interests are centred on combinatorial structures, such as designs, codes, arrays, finite geometries, graphs and hypergraphs. His favorite problems often have algebraic or extremal themes. Peter was the recipient of the 2007 Kirkman Medal and 2014 Hall Medal in Combinatorics.


Henry Fowler (Navajo Technical University)


Nassif Ghoussoub (University of British Columbia)

Nassif Ghoussoub obtained his Doctorat d'état in 1979 from the Université Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris, France and is currently a Professor of Mathematics and a Distinguished University Scholar at the University of British Columbia. His present research interests are in non-linear analysis and partial differential equations. He was the recipient of the Coxeter-James prize in 1990, and of a Killam senior fellowship in 1992. In 2004, he was awarded a Doctorat Honoris Causa by the Université Paris-Dauphine, and in 2015, he was named Doctor of Science Honoris Causa by the University of Victoria. The Canadian Mathematical Society awarded him the Jeffrey Williams Prize in 2007, and the David Borwein Distinguished Career Award in 2010. He was elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada in 1993, and was appointed Officer of the Order of Canada in December 2015.


Antonella Grassi (Universita di Bologna)

Antonella Grassi is Full Professor at the University of Bologna, Italy, and Professor Emerita of Mathematics (with secondary appointment in Physics) at the University of Pennsylvania. She received her Ph. D. from Duke University. She is a Fellow of the American Mathematical Society and a 2018-2019 Simons Fellow in Mathematics. She was a member of the Institute for Advanced Study and the Mathematical Science Research Institute (she also co-organized the 2019 Special Program on Derived Geometry and Moduli Spaces).

Antonella Grassi's research interests are in algebraic geometry and applications to the physics of string theory.


Michael Hrusak (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)

Michael Hrusak is a Mexican mathematician of Czech origin. He obtained his Master’s in 1994 from the Charles University in Prague and PhD in 1999 from York University in Toronto. Since 2002 he works as a full-time researcher at the National University of Mexico (UNAM). His research involves set theory and its applications to topology, mathematical analysis and geometry.


Chris Kapulkin (University of Western Ontario)

Chris Kapulkin is an associate professor of mathematics at the University of Western Ontario. He completed his Ph.D. at the University of Pittsburgh in 2014, under the supervision of Thomas C. Hales. He has held appointments at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, NJ and the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley, CA.

Kapulkin is best known for his work in homotopy type theory and higher category theory, in particular, settling the conjectures of Joyal (2014) and Voeovdsky (2019), but he has also published in combinatorics, formalization of mathematics, cryptography, and philosophy of mathematics. For his contributions, he received the Distinguished Research Professorship in Science in 2022.


Shakil M. Khan (University of Regina)

Shakil M. Khan is a Canadian artificial intelligence researcher, who is currently appointed as an Assistant Professor at the University of Regina. Prior to joining Regina, Khan spent two years as a postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Computer Science at Toronto Metropolitan University and a year as a Research Associate in the School of Information Technology at York University. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from York University in 2018 and his B.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Windsor in 2001. Khan’s research is in various subareas of artificial intelligence (AI), including knowledge representation and automated reasoning, multiagent systems, and cognitive robotics. He uses formal logical theories of action and change to model practical reasoning.


Jian-shu Li (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

Jian-shu Li is the current President of the Hong Kong Mathematical Society. Li was born in Xiaoshan, Zhejiang, China. He studied mathematics at the Department of Mathematics at Zhejiang University, and later obtained his Ph.D. in mathematics from Yale University. Before moving to Hong Kong, Li was a professor at the University of Maryland, College Park and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Li is a Professor of Mathematics at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He is also a researcher at the Center of Mathematical Sciences, Zhejiang University, as well as a guest professor and doctoral advisor at Zhejiang University's Department of Mathematics.


Vlada Limic (Université de Strasbourg)

Prof. Vlada Limic is originally from Zagreb, Croatia where she completed undergraduate studies in mathematics. From 1994 to 98 conducted PhD studies at UC Berkeley. Followed NSF postdoctoral fellowship at UC San Diego and at Cornell. From 2002-2007 a junior faculty at UBC. From 2006-2012 worked as independent researcher at CNRS, in Marseilles, France. In 2012 promoted to a research director of 2nd class within CNRS and moved to Orsay, Paris 11. In 2017 moved to University of Strasbourg. Major recognition: A.P. Sloan fellowship 2005, Alexander von Humboldt Bessel Research Award 2016.


Alexander Litvak (University of Alberta)

Alexander Litvak got his diploma (an analog of MSc degree) from Saint Petersburg State University, Russia, and his PhD from Tel Aviv University, Israel under the supervision of E.D. Gluskin and V.D. Milman. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Alberta and a Lady Davis postdoctoral fellow at the Technion, Haifa, Israel. He joined the University of Alberta as a faculty member in 2001. In 2010 Alexander was awarded the Faculty of Science Research Award by the University of Alberta and the next year he was awarded the E.W.R Steacie Memorial Fellowship by NSERC.

Alexander works in Asymptotic Geometric Analysis, which lies at the border between geometry and analysis stemming from the study of geometric properties of high-dimensional normed spaces, especially the characteristic behavior that emerges when the dimension (or a number of other relevant free parameters) is suitably large or tends to infinity. Because high-dimensional phenomena impact many disciplines, the Asymptotic Geometric Analysis is seen as the cross-roads of many branches of mathematics including Functional Analysis, Convex and Discrete Geometry, Random Matrix Theory, and several areas of Probability and Statistics.


Yifeng Liu (Zhejiang University)

Yifeng Liu, professor at the Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics, Zhejiang University. He obtained his PhD degree from Columbia University in 2012 under the supervision of Shouwu Zhang. He was a postdoc at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, an assistant professor at Northwestern University, an associate professor and then professor at Yale University, before joining the current institute in 2021. His main research fields include algebraic number theory, algebraic geometry, and automorphic forms. He received a Sloan Research Fellowship in 2017 and was awarded the SASTRA Ramanujan Prize in 2018 jointly with Jack Thorne.


Richard Lockhart (Simon Fraser University)

I was born in Montreal, and grew up in Winnipeg and Tsawwassen (a Vancouver suburb). I am a mathematical statistician with an undergraduate degree in mathematics from the University of British Columbia (1975). I have a PhD in Statistics from the University of California at Berkeley (1979). I have been a faculty at Simon Fraser University since 1979. I have experience on a number of grant review committees (two terms with NSERC, one on the scientific advisory committee for the CRM, and currently on an FRQ review committee) as well as experience on advisory committees (Statistics Canada and an ASA committee to advise the US Energy Information Administration). I was once President of the Statistical Society of Canada (SSC) and Editor of the SSC news letter (Liaison). I have also had a fair amount of editorial experience (AE for The Canadian Journal of Statistics and Technometrics, Editor of The Canadian Journal of Statistics, one of 4 current co-editors for Statistics Surveys, and Executive Editor for the Journal of Multivariate Analysis).


Jianfeng Lu (Duke University)

Jianfeng Lu is a Professor of Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry at Duke University. Before joining Duke University, he obtained his PhD in Applied Mathematics from Princeton University in 2009 and was a Courant Instructor at New York University from 2009 to 2012. He works on mathematical analysis and algorithm development for problems and challenges arising from computational physics, theoretical chemistry, materials science, high-dimensional PDEs, and machine learning. His work has been recognized by a Sloan Fellowship, a NSF Career Award, and the 2017 IMA Prize in Mathematics and its Applications.


Anotida Madzwamuse (University of British Columbia)

Anotida Madzvamuse holds a Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Theoretical and Computational Biology at The University of British Columbia and is a full Professor in the Mathematics Department within the Faculty of Science since October 2022. Before, that he was Full Professor of Mathematical and Computational Biology in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Sussex, where he has been a faculty member since August 2006. He is a DPhil holder in Mathematics awarded by the University of Oxford in 2000. He is a former receipt of the Royal Society Research Merit Award (2016-2021), and was awarded the Theodor von Kaman Fellowship (2016) by RWTH University of Aachen in Germany. Madzvamuse has supervised and mentored more than 25 early career fellows (PhDs and PDRAs) as well as mentoring young early faculty members in the UK, mainland Europe, Africa, South America, North America and Asia. He is an advocate and ambassador for Mathematical Sciences in general and Mathematical and Computational Biology in particular. He was the Principal Organiser of the 6-months research programme at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences (Cambridge, UK) in 2015 on Coupling Geometric PDEs with Physics for Cell Morphology, Motility and Pattern Formation. He continues to work closely with Learned Societies such as the London Mathematical Society (LMS) (on MARM in Africa), the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications and the Royal Society and International Centre for Mathematical Sciences in Edinburgh, Scotland. Currently, he is a Board Member of the BIRS Scientific and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Boards, the INI Gateway Scientific Advisory Panel and the LMS Committee for Women and Diversity in Mathematics. Madzvamuse is fully committed to implementing good practice in creating a modern and inclusive research environment. He has supervised, mentored and trained early career fellows from diverse economic and social backgrounds including researchers from underrepresented minority groups, including female early career fellows and junior faculty members.


Karen Meagher (University of Regina)


Saman Muthukumarana (University of Manitoba)

Saman Muthukumarana obtained his B.Sc. honours special degree in Statistics (2002) from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka and then M.Sc. in Statistics (2007) and PhD in Statistics (2010) from Simon Fraser University. He joined the Department of Statistics at the University of Manitoba as an Assistant Professor in July 2010 where he was promoted to Associate Professor (with tenure) in 2016 and then to full Professor in 2022. He is the founding Director of Data Science Nexus at the University of Manitoba and he was appointed as the Head of the Department of Statistics at the University of Manitoba starting from July 2023. His research interests lie broadly in Bayesian methods and computation for complex models which integrate both theoretical and computational aspects. Along with this main theme, he has developed methods to facilitate modelling and inference on non-standard complex data which lead to innovative analyses of data arising from environment and ecology, fisheries, fresh and marine water animal movements, health, infectious diseases, assessing noninferiority in drug developments, user behaviour, social networks and sports. EDI Statement: We are moving towards a data rich digital world and open AI continues to evolve and integrate into our daily lives. The STEM fields have a bigger role to embrace this new era and I strongly believe that creating equal opportunities for everyone and removing systematic barriers, which prevent accessing the opportunities are crucial for fostering novel collaborations within and between STEM fields in this new era. It’s time to act on EDI principles to actively address inequalities and actively seek the value in diversity.


Luis Núñez-Betancourt (CIMAT)


Janos Pach (Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics)


Sandra Palau (IIMAS, UNAM)

Sandra Palau is an Associated Researcher at the Applied Mathematics and Systems Research Institute at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (IIMAS, UNAM). Her research focuses on the development of Probability and Stochastic processes to address questions in mathematical biology. In 2016, Sandra completed her PhD in Probability and Statistic at CIMAT under the direction of Juan Carlos Pardo and Andreas Kyprianou. She was a Postdoctoral Newton International Fellow at the University of Bath, before joining the department of Probability and Statistics at IIMAS, UNAM, in 2019.


Jennifer Park (Ohio State University)


Joaquín Pérez (University of Granada)


Malabika Pramanik (UBC)

Malabika Pramanik is a Canadian mathematician who works as a professor of mathematics at the University of British Columbia. Her research lies in mathematical analysis, specifically in the areas of harmonic analysis, geometric measure theory, complex variables, and partial differential equations. Her work focuses on exploring finer structures in mathematical ensembles involving sets and functions, in particular on fractals. One recurrent theme in her work is the search for patterns in seemingly random objects and their connections with quantifiable properties of these objects, such as regularity, clustering, smoothness or existence of arithmetic-geometric structures. Malabika received her Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of California, Berkeley (2001). After short-term positions at the University of Wisconsin and Caltech she joined UBC in 2006. She is the 2015-16 winner of the Ruth I. Michler Prize of the Association for Women in Mathematics, the 2016 Krieger-Nelson Prize of the Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS) and a Killam Research Prize (2017) from the UBC Faculty of Science. In her role as Vice-President for the Pacific region of the CMS and as organizer of ongoing programs such as "Two weeks in Vancouver - a summer school for undergraduate women in math" and "Diversity in mathematics", she is actively engaged in initiatives that promote representation of women and minority groups in STEM fields.


Ajay Ramadoss (Indiana University)


Jacqui Ramagge (University of South Australia)


Talia Ringer (UIUC)

Talia Ringer is an Assistant Professor at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Their main interest is in making program verification using interactive theorem provers more accessible through better proof engineering tools and practices, especially when it comes to maintaining proofs as programs change over time. Their vision is a future of verification that is accessible to all programmers, not just to experts. They got their Ph.D. from University of Washington in June 2021. Prior to graduate school, they earned their bachelor’s in mathematics and computer science from University of Maryland, then worked at Amazon as a software engineer for three years. They are the founder and previous chair of the SIGPLAN-M international long-term mentoring program, the founder and president of the Computing Connections Fellowship, and a contributor to the Coq interactive theorem prover. They helped organize the National Academies workshop on AI to Assist Mathematical Reasoning. They also organize online communities for neurodivergent researchers in computer science. They were awarded the ACM SIGPLAN Distinguished Service Award in 2023.


Yongbin Ruan (Zhejiang University)

Yongbin Ruan is a Chinese mathematician who deals with algebraic geometry, differential geometry and symplectic geometry with applications in string theory. Ruan studied from 1978 at Sichuan University with a degree in 1985. 1985/86 he was teaching assistant at the University of Wisconsin. He received his doctorate in 1991 from Robinson Kirby (and Tomasz Mrowka) at the University of California, Berkeley ( Gauge theory and its applications to Riemannian Geometry ). As a post-doctoral student, he was at Michigan State University. In 1993 he became Assistant Professor at the University of Utah, 1995 Associate Professor and 1999 Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Since 2006 he is a professor at the University of Michigan.

He has been a visiting professor at ETH Zurich, Hong Kong and MIT. In 1993 and 2004 he was at the IHES , 1993 at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, 1994 at the Isaac Newton Institute and 1994 at the MSRI. In 1998 he was Invited Speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Berlin ( Quantum Cohomology and its Applications ). From 1995 to 1997 he was a Sloan Research Fellow. He is a Fellow of the American Mathematical Society.


Alberto Saldaña (UNAM - Mexico)

Alberto Saldaña is a Mexican mathematician who works at the Institute of Mathematics of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). His research is mainly focused on the analysis of partial differential equations, conducting a rigorous study of these mathematical objects (often motivated by models coming from physics, biology, chemistry, astrophysics, etc), by characterizing the existence of solutions and their qualitative properties through the use of a wide range of techniques that lie at the intersection of different areas of mathematics such as topology, functional analysis, probability, potential theory, scientific computing, calculus of variations, dynamical systems, and differential geometry. Alberto received his Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Frankfurt, Germany in 2014. Afterwards, he was a postdoctoral researcher at the Free University of Brussels (Belgium), at the Instituto Superior Técnico de Lisboa (Portugal), and at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology with a grant from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Germany). He has been a researcher at UNAM since 2019.


Miguel Sanchez Caja (Universidad de Granada)


Barry Sanders (University of Calgary)

Dr. Barry Sanders is a Professor and Director of the Institute for Quantum Science and Technology at the University of Calgary, a Thousand Talents Chair at the University of Science and Technology China and a Vajra Visiting Faculty member of the Raman Research Institute in India. He received his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Calgary and his PhD at Imperial College London. His postdoctoral research was at the Australian National University, the University of Queensland and the University of Waikato. Dr. Sanders was on the Macquarie University faculty from 1991 until moving to Calgary in 2003.

Dr. Sanders is especially well known for seminal contributions to theories of quantum-limited measurement, highly nonclassical light, practical quantum cryptography and optical implementations of quantum information tasks. His current research interests include quantum algorithms and implementations of quantum information tasks. Dr. Sanders is a Fellow of the Institute of Physics (U.K.), the Optical Society of America, the Australian Institute of Physics, the American Physical Society and the Royal Society of Canada. In 2016 Sanders was awarded the Imperial College London Doctor of Science (DSc) degree, and he is Editor-in-Chief of New Journal of Physics.


Samir Siksek (University of Warwick)

Samir Siksek obtained his B.A. from Oxford, and his PhD from Exeter. He is a Professor of Mathematics at the University of Warwick, and a past holder of an EPSRC Leadership Fellowship. His research focuses on rational points on curves, and the resolution of explicit Diophantine problems.


Ronnie Sircar (Princeton University)

RONNIE SIRCAR is a Professor of Operations Research and Financial Engineering (ORFE) at Princeton University, and is affiliated with the Bendheim Center for Finance, the Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics, and the Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment. He received his doctorate from Stanford University, and taught for three years at the University of Michigan in the Department of Mathematics. He has received continuing National Science Foundation research grants since 1998. He was a recipient of the E-Council Excellence in Teaching Award for his teaching in 2002, 2005 and 2006, and the Howard B. Wentz Jr. Junior Faculty Award in 2003. His research interests center on Financial Mathematics, stochastic volatility models, energy markets and exhaustible resources, credit risk, asymptotic and computational methods, portfolio optimization and stochastic control problems, and stochastic differential games. He is a co-author of the book “Multiscale Stochastic Volatility for Equity, Interest-Rate and Credit Derivatives”, published by Cambridge University Press in 2011, and was founding co-editor-in-chief of the SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics, from 2009-2015. He was Director of Graduate Studies for the Master in Finance program at the Bendheim Center for Finance from 2015-2018. He is the current Chair of the ORFE department. He was made a Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) in 2020 for “contributions to financial mathematics and asymptotic methods for stochastic control and differential games.”


Frank Sottile (Texas A&M University)

Dr. Sottile is a Professor of Mathematics at Texas A&M University since 2004. He holds a Masters degree from Cambridge University (1986) and a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago (1994). He has had appointments at the Universities of Toronto, Wisconsin, and Massachusetts, and the MSRI. He was the founding chair of the SIAM Activity group on Algebraic geometry and is a corresponding editor of the SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry. He was a Churchill Scholar, held an NSF Career award, and is a Fellow of the American Mathematical Society. His research interests are in algebraic combinatorics and the applications of algebraic geometry, including computational and real algebraic geometry.


Song Sun (UC Berkeley, IASM)

Song Sun is currently a Professor at the Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics, Zhejiang University and at the University of California, Berkeley. He received a BS from the University of Science and Technology of China in 2006, and a PhD from University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2010, under the supervision of Xiuxiong Chen. He held a postdoctoral position at Imperial College London and served as a faculty at Stony Brook University until 2018. Sun received the Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship in 2014, the Oswald Veblen Prize in geometry in 2019 (jointly with Xiuxiong Chen and Simon Donaldson) and the New Horizons in Mathematics Prize in 2021. He delivered an invited address at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Rio de Janeiro (2018).


Gabriella Tarantello (Roma Tor Vergata)


Aaron Tikuisis (University of Ottawa)


Paul Tupper (Simon Fraser University)

Paul Tupper is Professor of Mathematics and Director of Cognitive Science at Simon Fraser University. He received his PhD in Scientific Computing-Computational Mathematics from Stanford in 2002, was an NSERC postdoctoral fellow at the Centre for Physics of Materials at McGill University from 2002 to 2004, and was then an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at McGill for the next few years. He has been at SFU since 2008, and he was a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Applied Mathematics from 2008 to 2019. His research focuses on problems in metric geometry motivated by phylogenetics as well as mathematical modelling in linguistics and cognitive psychology.


Juncheng Wei (University of British Columbia)

Juncheng Wei received his doctoral degree from the University of Minnesota in 1994, and has held appointments at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (until 2013) and the University of British Columbia. He is now Canada Research Chair Professor (Tier I) at UBC. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and gave an invited talk at the 2014 International Congress of Mathematicians. He was awarded the Croucher Senior Fellowship of Croucher Foundation (2005), the Morningside Medal in Mathematics of the Chinese Congress of Mathematicians (2010), the Jeffery-Williams prize of the Canadian Mathematical Society (2020), and Simons Fellowship in Mathematics (2020). His research is in nonlinear partial differential equations and its applications in differential geometry, physical fluids, mathematical biology and applied physics.


Shou-Wu Zhang (Princeton University)

Shou-Wu Zhang is a Chinese-American mathematician known for his work in number theory and arithmetic algebraic geometry. He is currently a Professor of Mathematics at Princeton University. He was admitted to the Sun Yat-sen University chemistry department in 1980; he later transferred to the mathematics department of the same institution. He received his bachelor's degree in 1983. After Zhang received his master's degree from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1986, he studied under Lucien Szpiro and Gerd Faltings at Columbia University and Princeton University, completing his PhD in 1991. He was a member of the Institute for Advanced Study and an assistant professor at Princeton University from 1991 to 1996. Zhang has been tenured at Columbia University since 1996 and at Princeton University since 2011.