Participant Testimonials

Sep 28 - Oct 03, 2014

It was very useful for me to meet people who were building further on research of mine and whom I hadn't met before. Further I met several very talented young people.

Jan-Hendrik Evertse Dr.
Mathematisch Instituut, Universiteit Leiden

This was a workshop of high level with many interesting talks. The organization of the program was excellent. I had the possibility to give a survey about my recent results on effective bounds for the solutions of Diophantine equations over finitely generated domains. Several participants were interested in my results. I met some colleagues whom never had contacted before. During the workshop I got some new and interesting information related to my research work.

Kálmán Györy Professor
Dept of Algebra and Number Theory, University of Debrecen

I met a few mathematicians studying a different, yet related area. The conversations with them were very interesting. Now I decide to learn more and (hopefully) do research in that area.

Khoa Nguyen UBC-PIMS Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow
Mathematics, UBC and PIMS

I learned a lot, especially about new results on integral points, that I plan to use in my future research.

Tom Tucker Mathematics, University of Rochester

It was wonderful to meet many of my colleagues again, many after quite a while. The meeting gave me new research questions to think about. It was also very useful to be able to immediately ask some of my hunches to the experts that were there. Renewed contacts led to an invitation to come give a talk at the place of one of the participants.

Machiel van Frankenhuijsen Mathematics, Utah Valley University