Participant Testimonials

Aug 14 - Aug 16, 2015

I thought this was a really good meeting. I liked the weekend format with a smaller group. I think videoing each of the lectures is brilliant! That will make for a lasting resource. The new building is very comfortable for this event. As always, I enjoy staying the Banff Center.

Sara Billey Department of Mathematics, University of Washington

The meeting was indeed very helpful for me to attend. I learned useful things from the talks, but most notably I found one of the open questions that Lou Billera mentioned in the problem session very interesting, a question of understanding some rather fundamental looking symmetric functions that have arisen in his work. Both Lou and I were still in Banff all of Sunday afternoon, and we both took the same shuttle back to Calgary on Sunday evening, and this allowed us to spend several hours on Sunday afternoon and evening working together on his question, and we seem to have made substantial headway. We are continuing to email each other about his question and hope this will develop into a joint project. I also had quite helpful discussions with Sami Assaf and Vic Reiner, but definitely this possible project with Billera was the most valuable outcome of the meeting for me.

Patricia Hersh mathematics, North Carolina State University