Participant Testimonials

May 01 - May 06, 2016

I do consider the logistic and hospitality of BIRS perfect. I do not think that you need to make any changes. I am grateful for a very good conference which gave me certainly new insights. It was important to me to renew contacts , say, with Jorg Winkelmann and I met for the first time Franc Forstneric whose work on Oka manifolds and h-principle is rather important for my research. I think that my contact with Rafael Andrist was quite helpful for his coming paper and for my own understanding of the subject. It is too early to speak about new results or projects but they are much more plausible now and not only with the three people I mentioned before (whose scientific interest is close to mine). I was rather impressed with some other talks. Say, I suspect that the talk of Alex Tumanov may be helpful for my study of exotic structures on Euclidean spaces. These personal contacts with top experts are crucial for serious research and I applaud to all four organizers for bringing so many good people together.

Shulim Kaliman Professor
Mathematics, University of Miami

I became more familiar with the state of the art in several complex variables and I've got new ideas for my research. I'm thinking on a new research project and possible collaborations.

Alexander Rashkovskii professor
Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Stavanger University

I spend a very nice stay in Banff. The workshop was very interesting and the schedule quite reasonable. The accommodation as well as the food was perfect. This is a really nice place for exchanging ideas, learning what is going on on the filed of complex analysis and complex geometry. My stay was very pleasant and I learned so much about the state of the art on these fields. I would like to thank the organizers as well as the host institution BIRS for providing excellent conditions for research and exchanges. Moreover this is a great place from all point of views. Please keep going and good luck.

Ahmed Zeriahi Professor
Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse, Universite Paul Sabatier (Toulouse)