Participant Testimonials

Jun 23 - Jun 28, 2019

I want to thank the CMO-BIRS for its hospitality and for giving the opportunity to participate in an event that will definitely have an impact on my career. I did my PhD in the United Kingdom and I am currently working there as research fellow. Physical distance between Europe and the Americas makes the interaction between researchers of these continents difficult. I am happy that the WIG II workshop gave me the opportunity to meet researchers from the Americas, specially from my home country, Mexico. Over the week that the workshop lasted, I was able to participate actively in a research project which involves both new and known topics of my own research. This interaction with colleagues whose research areas partially overlap mine has broadened my view on the connections between different areas of mathematics. I am glad to say that after a week of work at the CMO our team obtained its first results, and we have now created a plan to consolidate this effort in a paper and in future collaborations.

Ingrid Membrillo Solis Reseach Fellow
Mathematics, University of Southampton