Participant Testimonials

Nov 08 - Nov 13, 2020

The recent CMO workshop was very special, though not in my current area of active research, because there was enough time to discuss with a chosen one out of each four speakers. This format proved excellent, the best of several on-line workshops in which I have participated. Congratulations to the organizers!! I took full advantage of this opportunity to catch up with several amazing developments in this field which I did work in for some time in the 2000s.

Priscilla Greenwood Emeritus
Mathematics, University of British Colombia

I study the plant disease epidemiology, this workshop is a fantastic opportunity to know the frontier and general progress of human disease epidemiology. The SARS-Cov-2 is a global pandemic, and researchers worldwide have collect numerous genomic resources. From this workshop I know how scientists handle these giant dataset and explore the pandemic. Thanks for all the meeting organizers' hard work!

Fangfang Guo NCSU