Advances in Mixed Characteristic Commutative Algebra and Geometric Connections

Videos from CMO Workshop

, Princeton University
- 10:25
Watch video | Download video: 202205090915-Witaszek.mp4 (267M)
, George Mason University
- 11:55
Test ideals in all characteristics via closure-interior duality
Watch video | Download video: 202205091100-R.G..mp4 (146M)
, UC Berkeley
- 13:15
Untilting Line Bundles on Perfectoid Spaces
Watch video | Download video: 202205091215-Dorfsman-Hopkins.mp4 (199M)
, University of Utah
- 15:45
Hilbert-Kunz multiplicity of powers of an ideal
Watch video | Download video: 202205091500-Goel.mp4 (49M)
, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- 10:19
Symbolic powers in mixed characteristic
Watch video | Download video: 202205100915-Grifo.mp4 (238M)
, Università di Genova
- 12:05
A uniform Chevalley theorem for direct summands in mixed characteristic
Watch video | Download video: 202205101100-DeStefani.mp4 (88M)
, Instytut Matematyczny Polskiej Akademii Nauk
- 12:54
Integral p-adic cohomology for open and singular varieties
Watch video | Download video: 202205101215-Ertl.mp4 (46M)
- 16:05
Splinter rings and Global +-regularity
Watch video | Download video: 202205101500-Tucker.mp4 (223M)
, CONACyT-Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas
- 10:03
Nash blowup of toric surfaces in positive characteristic
Watch video | Download video: 202205110915-Duarte.mp4 (126M)
, The University of Nebraska–Lincoln
- 12:06
A Jacobian Criterion in Mixed Characterstic
Watch video | Download video: 202205111100-Jeffries.mp4 (267M)
, Kyushu University
- 10:13
Arithmetic deformations of F-singularities
Watch video | Download video: 202205120915-Sato.mp4 (85M)
, University of Utah
- 11:48
Test Ideals in Mixed Characteristic 
Watch video | Download video: 202205121100-Lamarche.mp4 (157M)
, Michigan State University
- 13:10
Recent advances in understanding splinters
Watch video | Download video: 202205121215-Datta.mp4 (69M)
, University of Washington
- 16:11
Rational singularities 2.0
Watch video | Download video: 202205121500-Kovacs.mp4 (84M)
, Kyoto University
- 17:29
Fedder type criteria for quasi-Frobenius-splitting
Watch video | Download video: 202205121630-Takamatsu.mp4 (55M)
, BCAM-Basque Center for Applied Mathematics
- 09:56
Toward improving Lech's inequality
Watch video | Download video: 202205130900-Smirnov.mp4 (70M)
- 11:12
Generalized valuations and idempotization of algebraic varieties
Watch video | Download video: 202205131015-GarayLopez.mp4 (68M)