Women in Noncommutative Algebra and Representation Theory 4 (25w5422)


(The University of Arizona)

(Wake Forest University)

Maitreyee Kulkarni (North Carolina State University)

Lilit Martirosyan (University of North Carolina, Wilmington)


Noncommutative algebra and representation theory are two closely intertwined areas of research that have strong ties to many other fields in mathematics and quantum physics such as conformal field theory, operator algebras, string theory, topological field theory, and the various guises of noncommutative geometry. Noncommutative algebra creates an algebraic framework for generalizing the study of polynomials to other rings that fail to be commutative. Representation theory is a powerful tool for investigating the action of an algebraic object on a space as linear operators and matrices. As in many areas of mathematics, women and non-binary persons have been underrepresented in noncommutative algebra and representation theory. The goal of this workshop to bring together some of the best experts and junior participants working on these topics to collaborate on research projects. All participants in the workshop will be women and non-binary persons.

Like our first three WINART workshops (held at BIRS in April 2016, at U. Leeds in May 2019, and at BIRS in April 2022.), the WINART4 workshop will have a great impact on the research careers of the participants in attendance, and as a result, it will positively impact the research area as a whole.