Participant Testimonials

Oct 18 - Oct 23, 2015

Some young colleagues gave very interesting talks. In one case I could Invite a colleague also for our workshop at the Erwin Schrödinger Institute, Vienna.

Friedrich Haslinger Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna

I am very satisfied with having attended this workshop. As a newcomer to harmonic analysis I am very glad to have attended several talks which got me closer to relevant ideas in the area. I also had very productive discussions with Professors Lanzani, Harrington and McNeal about strong and uniform pseudoconvexity in several variables that will help me understand more deeply the same concept in infinite dimensions, specially in the non-smooth setting, as I have been investigating recently. I also had a chance to discuss job prospects with Loredana Lanzani, Jeff McNeal, Sonmez Sahutoglu and Yunus Zeytuncu. Thanks a lot to the organizers, especially Andrew Raich that was always available to help it go smoothly.

Sofía Ortega Castillo Dr.
Matemáticas Básicas, CIMAT

I had great time in Oaxaca. I listened to excellent talks and worked with my collaborators. I learned new techniques and new questions that other mathematicians are trying to answer. I already have multiple project ideas that I am eager to start working on. I will definitely remember this workshop throughout my career.

Yunus Zeytuncu Assistant Professor
Mathematics and Statistics, University of Michigan-Dearborn