Participant Testimonials

Oct 24 - Oct 29, 2010

It was my very first time at BIRS and I enjoyed it very much. I was surprised how easy it is to get to from Europe. Together with Andrea Walther, Angela Kunoth, and Bob Russell, we have submitted a proposal for a workshop on Multiscale Methods and Algorithmic Differentiation ... Larry, Stephen, and Volker did a great job at organizing the workshop.

Andreas Griewank Mathematics, Humboldt-Universität Berlin

Indeed, the workshop gave me a lot of good ideas for future research. In particular the interdisciplinary character of the workshop was extremely enlightening. I am sure the same is true for all the young people that were there, who got a lot of inspiration.

Volker Mehrmann Technische Universit�t Berlin

This was a very high quality workshop! It did help me reconnect with a number of people I knew plus establish new collaborations. I have a number of exciting new collaborations going forward.

Ray Spiteri Professor
Computer Science, University of Saskatchewan

This was a very interesting workshop for me. I found the scientific contents of workshop well balanced to cover different aspects of differential-algebraic systems (DAEs). In spite of DAE focus, I was pleasantly surprised of the many facets this field could exhibit and how interdisciplinary results in different fields of DAEs could shed a new light to my own work.

Andreas Varga Dr.
Institute of Robotics & Mechatronics, German Aerospace Center