Participant Testimonials

Jan 31 - Feb 05, 2010

BIRS gets better every time we visit. It is impressive how the institute has taken care of all details to help participants maximize research time. The people from overseas (all but three!!!) were very much impressed, even the Germans who frequent Oberwolfach. Speaking personally, I appreciate many small incremental improvements ... It's a place we can all be proud of, and I thank everyone for the effort and dedication.

Luc Devroye James McGill Professor
School of Computer Science, McGill University

I haven't so far written anything on branching random walk, although it is close to my research areas. So I learnt an awful lot from the talks and also made some new contacts. The open problem sessions were very stimulating and I think gave us a unique perspective on the state of the art. Several of my collaborators (in particular Benedicte Haas, Louigi Addario-Berry and Nicolas Broutin) were present at the workshop and we made significant progress on two of my principal research projects. It was a very productive week for me.

Christina Goldschmidt Statistics, University of Warwick

This was a really good workshop, with many interesting talks.

Serguei Popov Departamento de Estatistica
IMECC-UNICAMP, Universidade de Sao Paulo