New Trends in Noncommutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry

Videos from BIRS Workshop

, University of California at San Diego
- 09:59
Skew Calabi-Yau algebras and Nakayama automorphisms
Watch video | Download video: 201210290902-Rogalski.mp4 (248M)
, Rice University
- 11:20
Hopf actions and Nakayama automorphisms
Watch video | Download video: 201210291033-Walton.mp4 (202M)
, Northeastern University
- 14:00
Rigidity of quantum tori and description of automorphism groups
Watch video | Download video: 201210291304-Yakimov.mp4 (268M)
, Institute for Defense Analyses/Center for Communications Research Princeton
- 16:27
Tensor Products of Division Algebras and Fields
Watch video | Download video: 201210291533-Saltman.mp4 (252M)
, University of Washington
- 17:21
Hopf algebra actions on filtered algebras
Watch video | Download video: 201210291634-Chan.mp4 (202M)
, Bar Ilan University
- 11:34
Identities of algebras with involution
Watch video | Download video: 201210301034-Rowen.mp4 (227M)
, University of Manchester
- 15:07
Equidimensionality of charactersitic varieties over Cherednik algebras and Z-algebras
Watch video | Download video: 201210301405-Stafford.mp4 (294M)
, University of Glasgow
- 16:34
Noncommutative unipotent groups in characteristic 0
Watch video | Download video: 201210301535-Brown.mp4 (272M)
, University of Amsterdam
- 17:41
Noncommutative projective geometry through the looking glass
Watch video | Download video: 201210301639-Bocklandt.mp4 (272M)
, Université de Caen Normandie
- 09:59
Efficient recognition of tnn cells
Watch video | Download video: 201210310906-Launois.mp4 (187M)
, Wake Forest University
- 11:23
Noncommutative Complete Intersections (joint with J. Kuzmanovich, J. Zhang)
Watch video | Download video: 201210311035-Kirkman.mp4 (149M)
, Fudan University
- 10:03
Three dimensional Calabi-Yau algebras and their homologies
Watch video | Download video: 201211010906-Wu.mp4 (251M)
, University of California, Santa Barbara
- 11:34
Representation-tame algebras need not be homologically tame
Watch video | Download video: 201211011033-HuisgenZimmermann.mp4 (241M)
, UNSW, Sydney
- 15:04
Hopf algebra actions on projective curves
Watch video | Download video: 201211011402-Chan.mp4 (261M)
, University of California, Santa Barbara
- 16:26
Unique Factorization and Quantum Clusters in Quantum Algebras
Watch video | Download video: 201211011533-Goodearl.mp4 (282M)
, Michigan State University
- 17:36
Ulrich bundles on projective varieties and representations of Clifford algebras
Watch video | Download video: 201211011634-Kulkarni.mp4 (294M)