Cohomology of Arithmetic Groups: Duality, Stability, and Computations

Videos from BIRS Workshop

, Boston College
- 08:51
Homology of arithmetic groups and Galois representations
Watch video | Download video: 202110110802-Ash.mp4 (67M)
, University of Oklahoma
- 09:54
Rognes' connectivity conjecture and the Koszul dual of Steinberg
Watch video | Download video: 202110110902-Patzt.mp4 (259M)
, University of Toronto
- 11:26
On homological stability for $\mathrm{GL}_n(\mathbb{Z})$
Watch video | Download video: 202110111031-Kupers.mp4 (255M)
, McGill University
- 15:25
Growth of cohomology in towers and endoscopy
Watch video | Download video: 202110111501-Gerbelli-Gauthier.mp4 (38M)
, University of Copenhagen
- 08:49
Stability in the homology of classical groups
Watch video | Download video: 202110120804-Wahl.mp4 (291M)
, The Ohio State University
- 11:24
Level structures and images of the Steinberg module for surfaces with marked points
Watch video | Download video: 202110121031-Broaddus.mp4 (72M)
, University of Chicago
- 13:56
The stable cohomology of $\mathrm{SL}(\mathbb{F}_p)$
Watch video | Download video: 202110121302-Calegari.mp4 (127M)
, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
- 15:21
Cohomology of Congruence Subgroups, Steinberg Modules, and Real Quadratic Fields
Watch video | Download video: 202110121438-Yasaki.mp4 (151M)
, Brown University
- 08:56
The top-weight rational cohomology of $\mathcal{A}_g$
Watch video | Download video: 202110130802-Chan.mp4 (92M)
, University of Massachusetts
- 09:58
Modular symbols over function fields
Watch video | Download video: 202110130903-Gunnells.mp4 (280M)
, Princeton University
- 11:23
Binary Quadratic Forms and Hecke Operators for $\mathrm{SL}(2,\mathbb{Z})$
Watch video | Download video: 202110131033-McConnell.mp4 (71M)
, University of Chicago
- 11:24
Rigidity of moduli spaces
Watch video | Download video: 202110141032-Farb.mp4 (129M)
, University of Chicago
- 13:58
Cohomology of Shimura varieties via categorical Langlands
Watch video | Download video: 202110141303-Emerton.mp4 (81M)
, UC Berkeley
- 14:41
The Galois action on symplectic $K$-theory
Watch video | Download video: 202110141410-Feng.mp4 (51M)
, ETH Zürich
- 15:31
High-dimensional rational cohomology of $\operatorname{SL}_n(\mathbb{Z})$ and $\operatorname{Sp}_{2n}(\mathbb{Z})$
Watch video | Download video: 202110141501-Bruck.mp4 (171M)
, Università di Padova
- 09:02
Stability results for toroidal compactifications of $\mathcal{A}_g$
Watch video | Download video: 202110150807-Tommasi.mp4 (167M)
, University of Aberdeen
- 09:30
The stable cohomology of symplectic groups over the integers
Watch video | Download video: 202110150905-Hebestreit.mp4 (37M)
, University of Wisconsin
- 09:50
Legendre symbols and secondary stability
Watch video | Download video: 202110150937-Ellenberg.mp4 (34M)